Today the Summer School


Starts Cargese. Marco Peccianti will be lecturing about "From Solitons to Ultrafast Optical Clocks" .  The details are available here.

The view from Cargese is breath-taking





M. Shalaby, M. Peccianti, D. G. Cooke, C. P. Hauri and R. Morandotti, “Temporal and spectral shaping of broadband terahertz pulses in a photoexcited semiconductor”, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 051110 (2015)

Transmission through a photoexcited semiconductor is used to temporally and spectrally shape a terahertz (THz) pulse. By adjusting the optical pump-THz probe delay, we experimentally introduce a polar asymmetry in the pulse profile as large as 92%. To shape the spectrum, we apply the same technique after strongly chirping the terahertz pulse. This leads to significant reshaping of the spectrum resulting in a 52% upshift of its median value. The pulse shaping techniques introduced here are of particular importance for temporal and spectral shape-sensitive THz nonlinear experiments.

The article is published here

Marco Peccianti will deliver the workshop-tutorial "Laser in a Nutshell" for the GRADnet framework

When and Where:

26th Jan - 2015 - 10:00-12:00 Pevensey 3 L2 Sussex

Virtual room SEPnet 7 55993736

All 3rd and 4th year students are invited to participate.

The complete shedule can be found here

GRADnet offers a range of advanced Physics courses of relevance to Physics PhD students in the SEPnet partnership. Students may attend these courses either in person or over the SEPnet video conference facilities. Normally video conference facilities are available in the partner video-conference physical rooms. In case of clashes, or where students are away from their normal institution, desktop PC and laptop licenses are available for students to participate. Details of how to use the VC facilities, and PowerPoint presentations and other associated course materials, are posted on the SEPnet Virtual Research Environment: .

To participate in any of these courses either in person or by video conference please email your name, institution and the course title to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as well as your local GRADnet Administrator


An extract of the slides follows.



M. K. Mridha, A. Mazhorova, M. Clerici,  I. Al-Naib, M. Daneau, X. Ropagnol, M. Peccianti, C. Reimer, M. Ferrera, L. Razzari, F. Vidal and Roberto Morandotti, “Active terahertz two-wire waveguides”, Opt. Express 22, 22340 (2014).

 (a) Schematic for the dielectric support holder for the wires of diameter 250 μm. The central hole is 800 μm in diameter, while the separation between the two wires is 300 μm. (b) Top-view of the experimental setup used for calibrating the maximum signal attainable from the GaAs integrated semi-large area PC antenna. The emitted THz radiation is focused onto a ZnTe crystal. Changes in the probe beam (800 nm) polarization are measured using a Wollaston prism and photo detectors (PDs). (c) Details of the integrated semi-large area PC antenna used to generate THz radiation, (d) schematic of the passive configuration where the THz radiation from the integrated semi-large area PC antenna is coupled into the two-wire waveguide, (e) schematic of the active configuration; here both the generation and the coupling of the THz radiation occur directly inside the two-wire waveguide. The arrows indicate the direction of the THz radiation emitted in each case in the plane containing the two wires.

The full text is accessible here