Marco Peccianti will deliver the workshop-tutorial "Laser in a Nutshell" for the GRADnet framework

When and Where:

26th Jan - 2015 - 10:00-12:00 Pevensey 3 L2 Sussex

Virtual room SEPnet 7 55993736

All 3rd and 4th year students are invited to participate.

The complete shedule can be found here

GRADnet offers a range of advanced Physics courses of relevance to Physics PhD students in the SEPnet partnership. Students may attend these courses either in person or over the SEPnet video conference facilities. Normally video conference facilities are available in the partner video-conference physical rooms. In case of clashes, or where students are away from their normal institution, desktop PC and laptop licenses are available for students to participate. Details of how to use the VC facilities, and PowerPoint presentations and other associated course materials, are posted on the SEPnet Virtual Research Environment: .

To participate in any of these courses either in person or by video conference please email your name, institution and the course title to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as well as your local GRADnet Administrator


An extract of the slides follows.