Our work "Hyperspectral terahertz microscopy via nonlinear ghost imaging" of the ERC project TIMING is OUT!!!!






L. Olivieri, J. S. Totero Gongora, A. Pasquazi, and M. Peccianti, "Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging," ACS Photonics 5(8), 3379–3388 (2018).  https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00653





L. Peters, J. Tunesi, A. Pasquazi, and M. Peccianti, "High-energy terahertz surface optical rectification," Nano Energy 46, 128–132 (2018).

 Nano Energy

Marco Peccianti of #EPic_sussex @PhysicsAtSussex Marie Curie Ambassador and ERC-COG holder @ERC_Research presents an outreach talk about the Science of Ultrafast Photonics in Brighton.

Details The Science of Ultrafast Photonics with Prof Marco Peccianti A pulse of light can be compressed in time down to scales where even electrons look still and electromagnetic waves appear to move in slow motion. Pulses of fairly ordinary energies, when constrained into such a brief existence, show intensities like that on the surface of a star.


Light itself becomes so strong that is able to expel electrons from matter, inhibiting the natural bonding between atoms. This world is rich in frontier physics and new forms of radiation that can now be harnessed. Marco Peccianti is a professor of photonics at the University of Sussex (UK) and co-director of the Emergent Photonics Lab (http://www.sussex.ac.uk/physics/epic/). He is editor for the Optical Society of America, chair and member of several scientific committees, and author of about 100 journal publications, 200 conference papers, book chapters and patents with several thousands of citations in literature. He is the recipient of multi-million research grants at the national and European level, and of several personal prizes and fellowships. His current research interests include the experimental investigation of terahertz physics and ultrafast nonlinear optics. Wednesday 14 March, 7:30 for 8:00 start at the Latest Musicbar.



A. Pasquazi, M. Peccianti, L. Razzari, D. J. Moss, S. Coen, M. Erkintalo, Y. K. Chembo, T. Hansson, S. Wabnitz, P. Del’Haye, X. Xue, A. M. Weiner, and R. Morandotti, "Micro-combs: A novel generation of optical sources," Physics Reports 729, 1–81 (2018).


Physics Reports